Welcome to Our Website!

We are working on updating our site, but please look around and discover more about us as each page is available.

We're so glad you connected with us! 


Thank you for visiting us in this space!

We know God has a wonderful plan for you and are so happy you are here!

We pray you find the information you need as you consider spiritual things and possibly visiting our church. 

Who We Are

Ida Baptist Church is a gathering of broken people who have met the risen Savior.

We seek to love God through a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus, and to love others because He has first loved us.

When you walk through the doors of Ida Baptist Church, we pray you encounter the love of Christ through a warm welcome, inspiring worship, and relevant message from God's word.

Would you join us this Sunday?   

Contact Information

Ida Baptist Church

Verse of the Day
Submit a Prayer Request